Part Compatibility
Locating Pin Bushing (uses 2)
TWO PART#s 161-130VS BUSHING (BLACK) and 161-130 BUSHING (was WHITE, now BLACK)
These are the same part, just different color plastic, so they are interchangeable.
7/15/24 They are all coming in in BLACK now, so one of the 7 digit part numbers may get discontinued at some point.
So these are cross sold to each other for when one of the buishings stops being available.
The other parts in the locating pin assembly are the same.
69B-130 RETAINING RING (uses 2)
162-130 LOCATING PIN SPRING (uses 2)
69-130 DRAG LOCATING PIN (uses 2)
Older reels 130 (Int.), 130H, 130S, 130ST
Newer reel 130VSX