Aftermarket Part - Not Manufactured by Penn
Made by a machinist as per Alan Tani's specs.
Stainless steel gear sleeve (98-114AT)
Recommended if you INTEND to apply more drag than originally intended).
See section on
Conv. Photo Walk-Thrus for articles/notes by Alan Tani
NOTE: Machining of the threads on the SS sleeves is tighter/sharper than the softer brass sleeves. The drag star may have difficulty installing, as it's threading is also brass under the chroming. If so, apply light oil/lube, keep star level and work it back and forth until it threads.
Tani Sleeve Generation Notes
There were 2 generations of the Alan Tani SS sleeves.ORIGINAL - Cut to the same design as the Penn sleeves, uses standard #4 washer under the gear.
2nd Gen - This is cut all the way down to the ratchet on each side, allowing for the use of the Bryan Young custom washer sets.
Set to match this 2nd Gen sleeve: 4-114HSPBY
2nd Gen - Bi-Directional - This is cut all the way down to the ratchet on each side, allowing for the use of the Bryan Young custom washer sets. The teeth have been cut bi-directional to allow for standard and left hand reel use.
Set to match this 2nd Gen sleeve: 4-114HSPBY